Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Shops of Singapore

Like I said in my last post, I have arrived in Singapore. Urs and Rachel warned me that that the humidity level would be high and I quickly discovered they weren't joking. The climate of Singapore reminds me very much of the climate of New Orleans, Louisiana, but maybe even a bit more humid. Let me go back and start at the beginning of my trip to Singapore. My flight to Singpore was an interesting and long flight, 11.5 hours to be exact. It wouldn't have been so bad if my tv screen would have worked and I could have watched a few movies, but instead the screen didn't work even when they tried to reset it, the kid sitting next to me talked almost none stop and a kid sitting a couple rows a head of me was sick the entire night. Thank goodness for iPods and iPads! I was able to get a couple hours of sleep before we landed in Singapore around 3:30 pm on Tuesday afternoon. Urs pointed out a few of the interesting sights on the way to his house. We enjoyed catching up and talking about college, work, and family. I was able to meet Urs and Rachel's house helper Jean and am very excited to spend some time with her. When Rachel arrived at home, we enjoyed a meal cooked by Jean. They showed me around there house and by this time we had all had a long day and called it a night. On Wednesday, Urs and Rachel had to go to work so I spent the day exploring the many shops on Orchard Road with Jean. Who knew Singapore had so many shops. One side of the stree was more your average Joe kind of shops with souvenirs and trinkets, but the other side of the street was your upper class fancy shops, such as Chanel, Prada, Gucci, ect. Jean and I spent 4 hours looking at the stores and taking pictures. After all the walking we had done, we decided it was time to call a cab. Later that evening, I met Urs at his office to see where he works. Urs is a Swiss banker here in Singapore and elet me tell you he works in one nice building with a beautiful view. He can look out and see the Marina from his building. I really enjoyed seeing the UBS building. Once Rachel had finished work for the day, we meet up at a little coffee shop where we stopped for a drink. If I haven't mentioned this before, stopping to sit down for a drink happens very often in foreign countries, at least with the Swiss people. We then walked down by the bay and were able to see a few of the big tanker ships before yet again walking through another shopping mall to get to the restaurant we were eating at that evening. The restaurant was amazing! It was shaped like a boat and was on the top level of a building with probably 46 stories. It was so cool and awesome to see the night lights of Singapore. We were able to take some very nice pictures, which I hope to have up later tonight, fingers crossed.

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