Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last Few Days In Switzerland

Well, I have official made it to Singapore, but I am going to write about my last few days in Switzerland and then I will write another post for my first day in Singapore.  The last day in Switzerland, I spent on Mount Pilatus with Urs' uncle George.  We had so much fun and lucky the weather cooperated with us and allowed us to have quite a view.  We road a four person gondola up to the first station with a young couple from Chicago.  I enjoyed talking to them and George enjoyed sharing some facts about Switzerland and Mount Pilatus.  When we arrived at the first station, we had to change gondolas and the next gondola we rode up to the top of the mountain was for 40 people.  That was a little tight cramming forty adult people into a fairly small gondola, but it was well worth it when we arrived at the top of the mountain.  It seemed like you could see forever and you could see all the different towns and lakes.  It was breath taking and I think George was in awe of sight too because he kept saying "Will you look at that!"  It was great and I don't know how to explain how beautiful and majestic the view from the Mountain was, so you will have to check out the pictures!  That night, we enjoyed supper at a small Italian restaurant in the town where George and his wife, Dolores, live.  I enjoyed spending my last night with them and Hugo.  We enjoyed talking about anything and everything.  Dolores was very interested in the Amish people and I thought it was interesting that she knew who the Amish were.  It was during this supper that I realized how fast my time in Switzerland had gone, but how much fun I had had.  We said good bye to George and Dolores before Hugo and I went home.  It wastime for me to start packing and preparing for my flight on Monday.  Hugo took me shopping for Swiss chocolate and a few souvenirs before dropping me off at the airport and saying good bye.  It's crazy that in one week I meet so many amazing people who showed me so many things ad taught me so much about their culture.  I am so thankful and gratful to have people like them in my life.   So I just discovered some sad news.  I'm not sure if I can put pictures on my blog from my iPad.  I will keep trying to figure something out and hopefully I will have pictures for you soon!  Sorry for the inconvience.

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