Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello from Switzerland

Well I have made it to my first destination.  Both of my flights were on time and were not too long.  I did not get much sleep on the flight from Chicago to Switzerland, so I was pretty tired when I arrived.  Hugo (my god-father`s father) has shown me many sights in Switzerland.  We went to Luzern and Sempach, the hometown of my god-father.  While we were here, we saw the two towers that blocked the enemies from entering the city at night and we saw the Battlefied of Sempach where the a small group of farmers defeated the Austrian army when they tried to invade.  This was very interesting.  It was very exciting to see all of the little stores and best of all, the Alps could be seen from almost everywhere we were.  I am looking forward to going up on of the mountains, hopefully when the weather clears up a little bit.  It rained this morning, but we still hope to do a little bit of sight seeing today.  I hope to write more soon and hopefully put some pictures up.


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