Thursday, July 12, 2012

All the Sights

Elsbeth and myself
Its been interesting being in Switzerland.  For some reason I expected it to be like Germany and although in many ways, it is much different.  Yesterday I visited the town of Zurich with Hugo and the aunt of my god-father, Elsbeth.  I enjoyed seeing Zurich very much.  We took the train there, which gave me a different purspect of Switzerland and maybe you could even say the more peaceful and less busy side of Switzerland.  Elsbeth took me to visit a couple of the churches that were located in the older part of Zurich.  No matter how many churches or cathedrals you go into in Europe, I believe each one gets more beautiful.  The stain glass was amazing and the detailed painting were outstanding.  I enjoyed this part of Zurich very much.  After visiting a couple other sights, we went to bar called Clouds that overlooked the entire city of Zurich and is the tallest building in Switzerland.  It was a amazing and a nice way to relax in the busy city.  Elsbeth invited us over to her house for supper where she cooked a pasta dish.  It was delicious.  She also had a dog, so it was nice to get to be with a dog for a little while.

Welcome to Zurich!
Today, Hugo took me to the Alps.  It was breath taking up there.  We traveled up to Devil`s ridge where it is said that the people made a deal with the devil to build a bridge in the Alps.  The devil agree as long as he would receive the first soul of the person that crossed.  The people thought this sounded far, but when the bridge was complete, the people sent a goat over as the first sould because none of them wanted to give their sould to the devil.  I thought the story was very interesting and only made Devil`s bridge better.  After taking a few pictures here, we traveled to the south of Switzerland where we saw the Italian influence on Switzerland.  It was so warm here and had many palm trees.  This was very interesting because it is usually thought of as being a cold country.  This was a nice town to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee and a salad.  As we traveled back to Hugo`s town on the outside of Luzern, we traveled through Gutthard`s Pass.  This is a very long tunnel that Hugo thought was about 10 miles.  Let`s just say I had my share of tunnels today.  Well supper is waiting.  Look for more soon.


The Devil's Bridge was one of the most interesting places I saw.

Wouldn't that be fun to ride up the mountain?

The breath taking views of the mountains.

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