Friday, August 3, 2012

The Dreaded Good Bye

Well now that I have come to the end of my trip in Singapore, I suppose it is time to write what I have done the last few days while I was there.  

On Monday, I travelled to the civic district of Singapore where all the government buildings are located.  Little did we knew they were doing a lot of construction in this area.  I guess when you need to remodel one government build, why not do them all.  As I was on the tour provided by my trusty guide book, I keeps reading about the buildings, but found it very unfortunate that a could not see a single thing they were describing.  My luck eventually turned around when I got about a quarter of a mile into the mile and a half tour.  Singapore has a very nice Asian Civilization Museum that is located in the civic district area.  I was extremely impressed with this museum.  It had everything from Islamic art and architecture to different things from Asian cultures and religions.  Everything was beautifully displayed and usually had a nice description about the piece.  I spent a large portion of my afternoon in this museum before continuing in the tour.  The guide book lead me past Singapore's fire station and a few churches before ending the tour at the famous Raffles Hotel.  The hotel contained many shops and restaurants that are open to the public as well.  The hotel was huge and the entrance reminded me of the White House.  Once I had finished looking around the the hotel, I grabbed a bite to eat and took a taxi to the Singapore Flyer.  The flyer is the largest Ferris wheels in the world.  I entered an enclosed cab that traveled around the wheel that reached a height of 541 feet.  I was able to see so much of Singapore. I enjoyed seeing the Marina Bay and looking into the ocean where hundreds of ships and tankers sat.  After the 30 minute ride on the flyer, Urs and Rachel picked me up before heading to Sentosa, which is an island that has become a great attraction for Singapore.  We sat down for a nice meal at one of clubs Urs and Rachel are members of before we headed down to the beach to see a water show.  It was call Songs of the Sea.  The music was great and they did everything from water displays to fireworks.  It was a nice way to end the night.  Before we could leave Sentosa though, we had  to visit the Merlion, the symbol of Singapore.  The Merlion was lite up with different colored lights and we were able to take some great pictures him.  We all had an amazing time, but it was time to go to bed because another big day was just around the corner.

On Tuesday, my last day in Singapore, Jean and I went to the Singapore zoo.  Wow was that a lot of walking, but we saw so many different animals.  Jean and I enjoyed our close encounters with the monkeys and seeing them hang from the trees.  We walked through the entire zoo and saw almost every animal they had.  We had so much fun and I am glad Jean could join me on this excursion.  After the zoo, we made one last stop at Lucky Plaza on Orchard Road, one of the first places I visited, because Jean had to run a few errands and I wanted to buy an I Love Singapore t-shirt.  Once we meet back up, we traveled back to Urs and Rachel's house so I could finish packing and get ready for my 12.5 hour flight to Germany.  Jean made us supper and we took a few last pictures, but then it was time to say good bye.  I had to say good bye to Rachel first because my suitcase took up to much space that we all could not fit in the car.  When we got to the airport I had to say the final good bye to Urs.  I just couldn't believe that the two weeks had gone so fast. Why do good bye's have to be so challenging?  I hope I will be able to visit Singapore again soon.

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