Friday, August 3, 2012

Made it to My Final Destination!

So I have made it to Germany to visit Maria and her family.  I arrived in Munich around 9:15 on Wednesday morning.  On Wednesday and Thursday, we spent our days lounging by Kochelsee, which is a beautiful lake located close to Maria's town of Schledorf.  The lake was absolutely beautiful.  The water is so clear and a bright blue-green color.  It is surrounded by mountains, which makes it seem remote and relaxing.  On wednesday we drove to a relaxing location on the beach, but on Thursday we rented a boat.  Let me just start by saying row boats scare me just a little bit.  I suppose it is because I have had numerous bad experiences with row boats or canoes flipping over while I am sitting in them.  Luckily this time we made it to our destination and back without tipping the boat over.  It is nice to catch up with Maria and have some relaxation time before I have to head back to the States.

Sorry that this is such a short post, but I am preparing to leave for Frankfurt to visit Julia Heizinger for a day so be sure to check back to see what experiences I have had in Frankfurt!  Have a great weekend!

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